Wayne Orr

Writer 🕹️ Poet 🕹️ Lyricist

Country I Fight For

(Verse 1)

He was just a young boy, with stars and stripes in his eyes

Dreaming of serving his country, reaching for the skies

Proudly he enlisted, eager to defend with might

Little did he know, of the darkness he’d soon fight

(Verse 2)

Through trials and tribulations, he stood tall and brave

On foreign lands he fought, his country to save

But as the years went by, a change began to show

The ideals he held dear, were starting to lose their glow


He grew up fighting for his country, with pride in his heart

But now he sees America torn apart

The values he defended, now seem to disappear

He wonders if his sacrifices were made in vain, with a tear

(Verse 3)

He witnessed the unity, the strength of a nation

But now division and discord cloud his observation

The echoes of battles fought still ring in his ears

Yet the battles within seem to stoke his fears


Memories of comrades lost and victories won

Now mingle with doubts of what can be done

He longs for a return to the land he once knew

Where freedom and justice rang ever true


He grew up fighting for his country, with pride in his heart

But now he sees America torn apart

The values he defended, now seem to disappear

He wonders if his sacrifices were made in vain, with a tear

(Verse 4)

As he gazes at the flag, a symbol of his past

He wonders if the ideals will forever last

A man who fought for freedom, now fights a different fight

Hoping for a brighter future, in the darkness of the night


For the man who grew up fighting, for the country he holds dear

May hope and unity prevail, erasing all fear

In the face of adversity, may his spirit soar

For America, the land he loves, forevermore.