Wayne Orr

Writer 🕹️ Poet 🕹️ Lyricist

Things President Trump Achieved

(Verse 1)

From the business world to the White House he rose,

Promising change in the way that it goes.

Cutting taxes and regulations too,

Bringing back jobs, economy grew.


President Trump, making America great,

Standing up strong, against any fate.

Building the wall, securing the border,

For the people, he fought with order.

(Verse 2)

Trade deals renegotiated with might,

Putting America’s interests in sight.

Championed criminal justice reform,

Space Force launched, reaching for the norm.


President Trump, making America great,

Standing up strong, against any fate.

Bringing back troops, peace in the East,

In the face of challenges, he increased.


Love him or hate him, he made his mark,

Stirring debates, both light and dark.

His supporters cheered, his critics jeered,

But his legacy is now revered.


President Trump, making America great,

Standing up strong, against any fate.

Love him or hate him, history will tell,

The impact he made, in our country’s cell.