Wayne Orr

Writer 🕹️ Poet 🕹️ Lyricist

Attack of a President

(Verse 1)
In the land of the brave, where the stars brightly gleam,
There’s a story unfolding, not all that it seems.
A man once in power, now facing the fall,
In the halls of justice, they echo the call.

But beneath the surface, there’s more to the tale,
A twist in the narrative, a wind in the sail.
Political players, with cards up their sleeves,
Turning the wheels, making minds believe.

Oh, the gavel falls heavy, in a courtroom so grand,
But the scales of justice, are they guided by hand?
Conviction or vendetta, it’s hard to discern,
In this grand game of power, where the tables do turn.

(Verse 2)
Accusations flying, like leaves in the storm,
Old alliances breaking, new lines are drawn.
In the court of opinion, whispers take flight,
Truths become shadows in the dim of the night.

But behind the curtains, deals are being made,
Rights and wrongs twisted, in a political charade.
A trial or a show, it’s hard to divide,
In the theater of power, where justice and politics collide.

Oh, the gavel falls heavy, in a courtroom so grand,
But the scales of justice, are they guided by hand?
Conviction or vendetta, it’s hard to discern,
In this grand game of power, where the tables do turn.

Voices of dissent, they rise and they fall,
Echoes of freedom, in the corridors tall.
A nation divided, by stories untold,
In the quest for truth, let the truth be bold.

Oh, the gavel falls heavy, in a courtroom so grand,
But the scales of justice, are they guided by hand?
Conviction or vendetta, it’s hard to discern,
In this grand game of power, where the tables do turn.

In the end, what remains, as the dust settles down,
Is it justice or politics, wearing the crown?
A tale of conviction, or a tale of the fight,
In the shadows of power, where day meets the night.