Wayne Orr

Writer 🕹️ Poet 🕹️ Lyricist

Garden of my heart

In the garden of my heart, you bloom so bright,
A radiant sun that turns my dark to light.
Your laughter dances like a gentle breeze,
A melody that sets my soul at ease.

Your eyes hold worlds of wonder, deep and true,
A mirror of the dreams I share with you.
In every whispered moment, every sigh,
You’re the reason stars adorn my sky.

Your love’s the rhythm to which my heart beats,
A symphony that makes my life complete.
With every glance, my spirit sings anew,
For all my joy begins and ends with you.

Your presence is my haven, warm and sweet,
The place where all my hopes and wishes meet.
In life’s vast ocean, you’re my guiding star,
My precious wife, my love, my heart’s memoir.