Wayne Orr

Writer 🕹️ Poet 🕹️ Lyricist


In the garden of my heart, where dreams reside,
You blossom, my love, my joy, my guide.
With eyes like stars in the velvet night,
You illuminate my world with endless light.

Your laughter dances on the breeze,
A melody that sets my soul at ease.
Each word you speak, a gentle song,
In your embrace, I know I belong.

Your smile, a sunrise that warms my day,
Chasing all my doubts away.
Hand in hand, through life’s embrace,
With you, my love, I find my place.

Every moment with you, a cherished treasure,
In your love, I find life’s sweetest pleasure.
Honey, my dream, my heart’s endless dance,
With you, I’ve found my one true romance.

In this world, vast and wide,
You’re my love, my joy, my pride.
To my precious girl, my heart sings true,
Forever and always, I belong to you.