Wayne Orr

Writer 🕹️ Poet 🕹️ Lyricist

When the Bell Rings Free

Verse 1
Whispers of the past echo in the streets,
Shadows of the chains still cling to our feet.
But a spark ignites where the brave dare to tread—
The dawn is breaking, painting skies overhead…

Oh, can you hear it? The rhythm in the air—
A heartbeat rising from a nation’s despair.
The storm may rage, but the roots run deep…
We are the promise that the dreamers keep!

Rise up, rise up, let the anthem roar—
From every valley to the golden shore!
The bells of freedom chime for you and me,
When the light breaks through…
And the bell rings FREE!

Verse 2
We marched through fire, climbed the hill stone by stone,
Carried the torch for the lost and unknown.
Now the flame of Lady Liberty’s hand
Guides us home to reclaim this land!

Oh, sing it louder—let the walls crack wide!
No more divisions, no more lines to divide.
The night is fading, and the world will see…
America rising, bold and unafraid to BE!

Rise up, rise up, let the anthem roar—
From every valley to the golden shore!
The bells of freedom chime for you and me,
When the light breaks through…
And the bell rings FREE!

“Not for the glory, but for those who stood tall,
Who gave their all when the heavens would fall.
The cost of freedom’s etched in every scar—
But look! The morning’s here… and here we ARE!”

Final Chorus
RISE UP, RISE UP—let the TRUTH take flight!
Through the darkest hour, we’ve reclaimed the light!
The bells of freedom CHIME for you and me,
When the soul takes wing…
And the bell rings FREE!

When the bell rings free…