Wayne Orr

Writer 🕹️ Poet 🕹️ Lyricist

Warm Embrace

In the evergreen embrace of Washington’s land,
With warm embrace, you lent us a hand.
With hearts so warm and smiles so bright,
You turned our days into pure delight.

Your home, a haven, so cozy and kind,
With laughter and joy, our spirits entwined.
The kids, with their laughter, so pure and free,
Made memories we’ll cherish, as sweet as can be.

From misty mornings to twilight’s glow,
The beauty of your state put on a show.
Yet, it was your company, so gracious and dear,
That made our visit a time to revere.

We thank you both, and your wonderful crew,
For the moments we shared, both old and new.
For opening your doors and hearts so wide,
In Washington’s splendor, with you by our side.

May your days be blessed, your nights serene,
With love and joy in every scene.
Until we meet again, our hearts will stay,
Grateful for you, in every way.