Wayne Orr

Writer 🕹️ Poet 🕹️ Lyricist

Waking dreams

In the gentle glow of morning light,
I wake to find you by my side,
A tranquil peace, a pure delight,
In your presence, dreams abide.

Your breath a whisper, soft and calm,
A melody that fills the air,
Wrapped in the warmth of your sweet balm,
I find a world beyond compare.

The sun may rise with golden grace,
Yet pales beside your tender gaze,
In every line upon your face,
A story of our love’s embrace.

Each dawn with you, a gift anew,
A dance of hearts beneath the sky,
In moments shared, our spirits grew,
Together, we soar and fly.

So here’s to mornings, side by side,
With you, my heart’s forever home,
In every dawn, our love’s our guide,
In waking dreams, we’ll always roam.