Wayne Orr

Writer 🕹️ Poet 🕹️ Lyricist

Where Shadows Weep

In the quiet dawn, where shadows weep,
A woman stands, her heart in deep,
The echoes linger, soft and low,
Of a love that bloomed, now lost in woe.

He was her sun, her guiding star,
A whispered hope, no distance far,
Yet time, it seems, with cruel intent,
Took him away, and her spirit bent.

But in her sorrow, a flicker glows,
A whisper of faith that gently flows,
With hands clasped tight in the morning light,
She seeks the strength to face the night.

“Dear Lord,” she prays, “hear my plea,
In this valley of shadows, walk with me.
Though tears may fall like autumn rain,
Let love’s sweet memory soothe the pain.”

With every heartbeat, a promise grows,
That even in loss, love never goes.
In tender moments, she feels him near,
His laughter echoes, his voice so clear.

The world may crumble, the days may blend,
But with God beside her, she will mend.
For grief is a journey, not a dead end,
With faith as her compass, her heart will transcend.

Through fields of sorrow, she learns to roam,
Finding solace in the love that’s home.
In the arms of the night, she finds a spark,
A glimmer of hope in the endless dark.

So she lifts her gaze to the heavens wide,
For in every tear, her soul has cried,
There lies a purpose, a strength anew,
With God as her guide, she will break through.

And though the love she lost feels far away,
In every dawn, in the light of day,
She carries him gently, a flame in her soul,
With faith as her anchor, she will be whole.