Wayne Orr

Writer πŸ•ΉοΈ Poet πŸ•ΉοΈ Lyricist


  • A Mother’s Love

    πŸ‘€: 16 In fields of love, a mother stands, Her touch like soft, guiding hands. Through every laugh, through every tear, Her gentle presence always near. She weaves the threads of care and grace, In every smile, in every embrace. Her love, a beacon, steady and true, Guiding her children in all they do. With…

  • Ballad of love and grace

    πŸ‘€: 13 In a meadow where the lilies bloom,‘Neath the sky’s cerulean dome,Two hearts met by the light of the moon,And vowed they’d never roam. Her eyes were stars in the twilight’s embrace,His voice a whisper of dawn,In that sacred and tender place,Their love was gently drawn. Hand in hand through fields of gold,They wandered…

  • Bert and Ernie

    πŸ‘€: 16 In a cozy home, with love so pure,Lived Bert and Ernie, hearts so sure.Two loyal dogs, with wagging tails,Their love for Joan never fails. Under the sun’s warm golden ray,They bark and play throughout the day.But deeper than their playful glee,Lies a love that’s plain to see. Bert with fur of ebony black,Ernie…

  • Blessing of Knowing You

    πŸ‘€: 11 In the quiet dawn of Easter’s morn,A blessing comes, softly born.In the whispers of the waking day,I feel its touch in a gentle way. It’s a promise woven in petals bright,A symphony of colors in morning light.Through the tender buds and blossoms fair,I sense your presence, ever there. In every chirp of the…

  • Blessing to me

    πŸ‘€: 11 In life’s vast tapestry, you shine so bright,A blessing woven in each day and night.Your presence, a beacon, a guiding light,Bringing warmth and joy, so pure and right. In moments dark, you’re my guiding star,Through trials and triumphs, no matter how far.Your laughter, a melody that heals each scar,A treasure beyond measure, you…

  • Carolina with you

    πŸ‘€: 13 In the mountains of Carolina fair, Where whispers dance upon the air, With love beside, the world’s a sight, A canvas painted with pure delight. Among the peaks, where eagles soar, We find a love worth living for, Side by side, we tread the trails, Where nature’s song never fails. The scent of…

  • Celestial flight

    πŸ‘€: 6 In the vast expanse where stars ignite, We’ll embark on a celestial flight, Through galaxies, we’ll gracefully glide, Side by side, with nothing to hide. With whispered tales of worlds unknown, Our journey, a symphony of sapphire and stone, We’ll dance amidst the cosmic dust, Infinite in our wanderlust. Through nebulae, we’ll softly…

  • Celestial flight

    πŸ‘€: 3 In the vast expanse where stars ignite, We’ll embark on a celestial flight, Through galaxies, we’ll gracefully glide, Side by side, with nothing to hide. With whispered tales of worlds unknown, Our journey, a symphony of sapphire and stone, We’ll dance amidst the cosmic dust, Infinite in our wanderlust. Through nebulae, we’ll softly…

  • Charleston’s charm

    πŸ‘€: 4 In Charleston’s charm, we wander side by side,Exploring streets where history and beauty abide.With you, my love, by my side so fair,Every moment with you, beyond compare. Down cobblestone paths, we stroll hand in hand,In Charleston’s embrace, a magical land.Moss-draped oaks whisper secrets untold,As we explore together, our story unfolds. Beneath the Carolina…

  • Couple’s Adventure

    πŸ‘€: 7 In a cottage nestled by the sea,Lived a couple, hearts wild and free.Years had passed with love’s sweet grace,Now they sought a new embrace. Hand in hand, they made a vow,To chase the dreams they’d whisper now.From snow-capped peaks to deserts wide,Together, they’d take life’s wild ride. With backpacks full and spirits high,They…

  • Crossroads

    πŸ‘€: 4 Verse 1:I’ve been working every sunrise, chasing dreams that seem to fade,But the bills keep piling higher, and the sky’s a darker shade.I pray for some redemption, but the silence fills the air,As I wrestle with my demons, wondering if You’re really there. Chorus:Oh Lord, I’m standing at the crossroads, feeling lost and…

  • Days of Spring

    πŸ‘€: 10 In the hush of dawn, when darkness fades,And the first light of spring gently cascades,Nature awakens from her slumber deep,To dance with joy, in a waltz so sweet. The air is crisp, with a scent so pure,As blossoms bloom, and dreams endure,A symphony of birds, their melodies rise,Painting the canvas of azure skies.…

  • Dennis and Kim

    πŸ‘€: 8 In a world where the road stretches far and wide, Dennis and Kim on their motorcycles ride, Bound by a love that knows no end, Adventuring together, around every bend. With engines roaring, they race through the land, Two souls intertwined, hand in hand, Exploring new horizons, chasing the sun, Their hearts beating…

  • Dog love his dog mom

    πŸ‘€: 8 In a cozy nook, by the hearth’s warm glow, Mouse, the faithful dog, starts to bestow His heart’s tender verses, sincere and true, To his dearest dog mom, on this day so due. With eyes that shimmer, reflecting her grace, He begins to express, in his own canine space, How her presence, a…

  • Driving with my beautiful girl

    πŸ‘€: 17 In the golden haze of a springtime’s kiss, We embark on a journey, pure and bliss. Windows down, wind weaving through our hair, In our haven on wheels, beyond compare. The sun, like a painter, strokes the sky, Tinting the world with hues that never die. As we glide along roads, free and…

  • Embracing Mother’s on Mother’s dayΒ 

    πŸ‘€: 6 In Carolina’s embrace, we celebrate the queen, With hearts of gratitude, in every scene. In limos and coaches, journeys unfold, But today, it’s mothers we lovingly hold. Customers and staff, united as one, In honoring mothers, our admiration spun. For every journey, every mile, Their love and care, an eternal smile. In plush…

  • Father’s Day

    πŸ‘€: 22 In the heart of Carolina, where the roads are wide and free, Carolina Limousine and Coach extend their heartfelt plea, To fathers far and near, and those who stand so tall, We wish you joy and blessings on this Father’s Day for all. To the dads who guide our journeys, with wisdom and…

  • Garden of my heart

    πŸ‘€: 19 In the garden of my heart, you bloom so bright,A radiant sun that turns my dark to light.Your laughter dances like a gentle breeze,A melody that sets my soul at ease. Your eyes hold worlds of wonder, deep and true,A mirror of the dreams I share with you.In every whispered moment, every sigh,You’re…

  • Girl of my Dreams

    πŸ‘€: 10 In dreams she came, a vision fair, With grace and kindness in the air. Her eyes a mirror of the starry night, Guiding me through darkness with their light. Together we walked through life’s winding ways, Hand in hand, come what may, Through storms and sunshine, side by side, In her presence, all…

  • Happy Birthday, Colleen

    πŸ‘€: 12 Happy Birthday, Colleen, dear friend of mine,A day to sparkle, a day to shine.With laughter and joy, and memories sweet,A celebration of you, so complete. From morning’s first light to evening’s last glow,May your heart be happy, your spirits aglow.Surrounded by love, by friends who care,With warm hugs and wishes, beyond compare. The…

  • Happy Easter to a special lady in my life

    πŸ‘€: 15 In spring’s embrace, where flowers bloom, A tale of love fills every room. With whispers soft, like morning dew, I pen this ode, dear one, to you. Easter dawns with joy untold, In hues of blue and skies of gold. And in this season, bright and fair, Your presence fills the sweetest air.…

  • Heart Beats

    πŸ‘€: 6 In the quiet dawn of morning light,Where shadows fade and skies grow bright,God’s blessings pour like gentle rain,Washing away each hint of pain. In every heartbeat, in every breath,A gift of love that conquers death,He whispers hope in darkest night,And fills our days with pure delight. Through hands that help and hearts that…

  • Heart of melodies

    πŸ‘€: 16 In the heart of melodies, where harmonies entwine,Lives a soul named Zane, with a passion so divine.On this special day, where joy and laughter blend,We celebrate the life of our cherished, talented friend. With fingers that dance across ivory keys,He conjures up a symphony with effortless ease.Each note he plays is a whisper…

  • Heart of the wild

    πŸ‘€: 21 In the heart of the wild, where the mountains rise high,We wander through woods ‘neath the vast, open sky.With each step we take, hand in hand, side by side,Our spirits are lifted, our hearts open wide. The whisper of leaves and the song of the breeze,The rustle of branches, the dance of the…

  • Here I stand

    πŸ‘€: 6 In shadows deep where whispers sigh,I tread the path where dreams can die,A journey fraught with pain and fear,In a world that mocks each falling tear. The weight of clouds, a burden’s press,In solitude, I find no rest.Each step a trial, each breath a chore,A silent plea for something more. The night is…

  • Highschool Love

    πŸ‘€: 13 In high school halls where dreams take flight,A young lady and her love found each other’s light.Two souls entwined in youthful bloom,Their hearts beating in perfect tune. Through laughter and tears, they forged a bond,In a world where their love would respond.Hand in hand, they faced the unknown,Dreaming of adventures yet to be…

  • Hiking in North Carolina

    πŸ‘€: 13 In North Carolina’s grand embrace we tread,Among the mountains, where dreams are led.With each step, the earth beneath our feet,Whispers secrets that the winds repeat. Side by side, we climb the trails of stone,In nature’s cathedral, we’re not alone.The forest’s symphony sings all around,As we explore this hallowed ground. Through emerald valleys and…

  • Hiking with you

    πŸ‘€: 9 In nature’s arms, we two did stray, Beneath the sun’s warm golden ray, Hand in hand, our spirits free, Embarking on a hike to the sea. Through forest paths, we made our way, Where verdant trees in silence sway, Their whispers soft, a gentle choir, Guiding us higher, our souls aspire. With each…

  • His Presence

    πŸ‘€: 3 In the tapestry of life, so boldly sewn,God’s blessings are the threads, brightly shown.Each dawn that breaks, a gift so pure,A testament of love, steadfast and sure. Through morning’s light and evening’s grace,His presence dwells in every place.In silent whispers of the breeze,In rustling leaves of ancient trees. But more than nature’s grand…

  • His presence everywhere

    πŸ‘€: 12 In the quiet dawn of morning light,Where shadows fade and skies grow bright,God’s blessings pour like gentle rain,Washing away each hint of pain. In every heartbeat, in every breath,A gift of love that conquers death,He whispers hope in darkest night,And fills our days with pure delight. Through hands that help and hearts that…

  • In-laws

    πŸ‘€: 7 In South Carolina’s gentle embrace, they dwell,Jordan and Joan, a story to tell,Brother-in-law and sister-in-law so dear,Their bond stronger than the southern hemisphere. Jordan, with a heart as vast as the sky,Underneath his Carolina sun, he thrives,A man of kindness, strength, and grace,In every challenge, he finds his place. Joan, with eyes that…

  • Life’s gifts

    πŸ‘€: 5 In the heart of every soul, a spark ignites, A yearning for adventure, soaring heights. Life’s gifts, a treasure trove, vast and wide, Each moment a journey, a wild, thrilling ride. Through valleys of laughter and peaks of tears, We navigate the terrain of hopes and fears. With courage as our compass, we…

  • Life’s grand tapestry

    πŸ‘€: 10 In life’s grand tapestry, I find my place,With threads of gold, a divine embrace.Blessed by God, a gift so rare,Fantastic friends and family, beyond compare. In dawn’s first light, their faces gleam,A chorus of love, a living dream.Through storm and sun, in joy and strife,They paint with grace the canvas of life. Friends,…

  • Lord is by your side

    πŸ‘€: 10 Walking through life with the Lord at your side is a journey of profound significance and deep spiritual enrichment. It is a path marked by a sense of unwavering companionship, guidance, and divine love that transcends the ordinary experiences of daily life. As you navigate the myriad challenges and joys that life presents,…

  • Love Birds

    πŸ‘€: 13 In a garden of love, two souls entwined,Bound by a promise, their hearts combined.With vows spoken, their journey begun,Two lives merged as one beneath the sun. Through trials and triumphs, they stood side by side,Facing the world with unwavering pride.Hand in hand, they weathered the storm,Their love a beacon, forever warm. Through the…

  • Love’s First Kiss

    πŸ‘€: 24 In the soft glow of twilight’s embrace, Two hearts beat as one in a sacred space. Whispers of love float in the air, As we stand together, a perfect pair. Your eyes, like stars, light up the night, Drawing me close, everything feels right. The world fades away, it’s just you and me,…

  • Loves New Embrace

    πŸ‘€: 11 In the heart’s embrace, two souls entwine, Bound by love’s sacred, timeless design. Through whispered vows, they pledge their hearts, A journey of love, where every moment imparts. Underneath the gentle sway of vows divine, They step as one, in this dance of twine. Hand in hand, they face the dawn, A new…

  • Memorial Day Poem

    πŸ‘€: 12 In fields of green where poppies sway,We pause to honor on this day,With hearts of reverence, heads bowed low,For those who fell, whom we’ll never know. Beneath the sky, so vast and blue,Lie heroes brave, steadfast, and true,Their sacrifice a solemn gift,Their spirits in our hearts uplift. The bugle’s call, a mournful sound,Echoes…

  • My Diane

    πŸ‘€: 11 To Diane, a name that sings a gentle tune,Beneath the silver glow of the moon.In every breath, in every sigh,I find your essence, drifting by. Your eyes, like stars in midnight’s grace,Illuminate the darkest space.With every glance, my heart takes flight,Your love, my beacon, my guiding light. Your laughter, a melody so sweet,A…

  • My Love

    πŸ‘€: 5 Oh, my love, when you’re near, my heart takes flight,In your presence, every moment feels so right.Your laughter is music, a sweet, gentle tune,Turning ordinary days into a dance with the moon. Your eyes, like stars, light up my darkest night,Guiding me gently with their radiant light.Your touch, a whisper, soft and divine,Sets…

  • Myrtle Beach History Tours

    πŸ‘€: 2 In Myrtle Beach, where stories weave,A trolley waits for those who believe,With Katheryne as your charming guide,History beckons, come take a ride. Through melodies of bygone days,Where music’s magic gently plays,Artistic whispers fill the air,As tales of creativity flare. Pirates lurk in shadow’s gleam,Ghosts emerge from history’s dream,Their secrets told in hushed delight,On…

  • Ode to Vanna White

    πŸ‘€: 8 In North Myrtle Beach where the waves kiss the shore,A star was born, her spirit an open door.With grace and charm, she danced through the light,A beacon of hope, our beloved Vanna White. From sandy beginnings, her dreams took flight,With a smile that could brighten the darkest night.Through letters and laughter on a…

  • Our journey together

    πŸ‘€: 9 In every journey, hand in hand we stride, My sexy girl, my love, my guiding light. Through landscapes vast, and oceans deep we glide, In our embrace, the world feels just right. Each step we take, a new adventure blooms, With laughter ringing, and hearts entwined. In every corner of the earth, our…

  • Our true love

    πŸ‘€: 8 In the tapestry of life, side by side we stand,Bound by a love that’s strong and grand.Through joy and tears, hand in hand we tread,In each other’s company, our dreams are fed. Together we dance in the rhythm of time,Embracing the moments, both sweet and sublime.In laughter and in tears, we find our…

  • Running in the rain

    πŸ‘€: 9 In the patter of rain, we start our chase, Footsteps quickened in a rhythmic embrace. Through the downpour’s veil, we boldly stride, With laughter as our compass, nowhere to hide. Each droplet dances, a partner in our flight, In this watery waltz, we find pure delight. The world’s hues deepen in the storm’s…

  • She turned my world upside down

    πŸ‘€: 6 In the quiet dawn, I left for work, a kiss upon your cheek,Unaware that morning’s light would soon make my heart weak.The sun climbed high, then dipped again; the hours blurred and passed,Returning home, I hoped to find the peace that never lasts. But there, upon our doorstep, a cruel truth met my…

  • Sister-in-Law

    πŸ‘€: 9 In life’s grand tapestry, a gem so rare, A sister-in-law beyond compare. Linda, her name, a beacon of light, Guiding through shadows, shining bright. With grace she walks, in beauty’s embrace, Her laughter dances, filling every space. In her presence, warmth unfurls, A blessing, like a string of pearls. Her kindness flows like…

  • Sisters

    πŸ‘€: 12 In the vast expanse where night meets day,Two sisters dance in a celestial display.Bound by love, like stars above, they twirl,Invisible yet connected, each other they unfurl. Silent whispers across the velvet sky,Their bond unbreakable, soaring high.Though worlds apart, they shine so bright,Guiding each other through the darkest night. One sister’s laughter, a…

  • Sisters Embrace

    πŸ‘€: 7 In the warmth of a sister’s embrace, Lies a treasure, a sacred space. Sister, your light, a beacon so bright, Guides me through both day and night. With each gentle word, a melody sweet, Your love, a song, my heart’s heartbeat. Blessed by your presence, forever divine, In your embrace, all troubles resign.…

  • Spending our Day At Blue Crab Festival

    πŸ‘€: 11 Beneath the canopy of a May sky’s hue,To the Little River, we journeyed true,Where the Blue Crab Festival, lively and bright,Unfurled its wonders in the daylight. Hand in hand, we strolled the lanes,Through laughter, music, and sweet refrains.The scent of salt and old bay spice,Danced in the air, a perfect delight. Your smile,…

  • Taylor

    πŸ‘€: 15 In a world where shadows often loom,Where chaos seems the norm by day,There stands a beacon in the gloom,A single woman, strong and brave. Taylor, with a heart of gold,Her spirit fierce, her will untamed,In a world so harsh and cold,She’s a light that can’t be claimed. She rises with the morning sun,Her…

  • Tender Twilight

    πŸ‘€: 14 In the tender twilight of our days,I find you, my love, in a million ways.Your beauty, a beacon, so fierce, so bright,Guides me through the darkest night. Your eyes, twin pools of endless grace,Reflect a world where I find my place.In every glance, in every smile,You make this journey so worthwhile. Your laughter,…

  • The quiet room

    πŸ‘€: 12 In the quiet room where hope should bloom,We sit with hearts weighed down by gloom.The marriage counselor’s gentle tone,A beacon in the storm we’ve known. But you, my spouse, with hardened eyes,Refuse to change, to compromise.Expecting me to bear the load,While you walk a different road. Behind closed doors, you weave your tales,In…

  • The warmth of your touch

    πŸ‘€: 14 In the stillness of the night, I yearn,For the touch of you, my heart does burn.A sexy angel, my desires ignite,In dreams of you, I lose the fight. Your skin, a canvas of pure delight,Holds secrets of passion, pure and bright.I crave the taste, the feel, the fire,A symphony of senses, a lover’s…

  • Tiny Town

    πŸ‘€: 16 In a tiny town where the stars light the sky,I found my heart in her gentle eyes,Hand in hand down old dirt roads,With her, every moment glows. Her laughter echoes in the summer air,In her embrace, I lose every care,By the creek, where the wildflowers sway,We find our dreams in the light of…

  • To Friends and Family on Father’s Day

    πŸ‘€: 8 In the tapestry of life, woven bright and true,Are threads of love and laughter spun by you.To fathers and friends, both near and far,You are my guiding light, my North Star. To fathers whose strength and kindness shine,Your wisdom and courage, ever so fine,You’ve shown me the way, with hands held high,Under your…

  • Two Dogs love there mom

    πŸ‘€: 91 In a cozy little home, not far away,Two dachshund brothers, lively and gay,With hearts full of love, on Mother’s Day,Yearned to show their mom in a special way. Beneath the bright sun’s warm embrace,They pranced around with joyful grace,Their tails wagging, tongues out to taste,The love they felt, they couldn’t replace. “Dear Mother,”…

  • Two hearts

    πŸ‘€: 13 In the quiet of dawn, where the first light breaks,Two hearts awaken, and the world gently shakes.Beneath the sky, where the morning dew lies,They find their reflection in each other’s eyes. Hand in hand, they walk through the fields,Where love is the armor and trust is the shield.With whispers so soft, like the…

  • Two souls

    πŸ‘€: 20 In a world of whispers and twilight hues,Where dreams entwine like morning dew,Two souls found a love so grand,A bond that time itself had planned. Through fields of gold and skies of blue,Their hearts beat as one, strong and true.With every glance, a silent song,A melody where they belong. Their love, a fire…

  • Two souls unite

    πŸ‘€: 10 Beneath the sun’s warm, golden blaze,Two souls unite in summer’s praise.The beach, a canvas, wide and grand,Invites their hearts to play in sand. With laughter bright and spirits free,They sculpt their dreams beside the sea.Each grain, a promise in their hands,Transforms to castles on the sands. Turrets rise and moats are drawn,As ocean’s…

  • Unchanged, unchained, eternally free

    πŸ‘€: 8 In the quiet of the morning light,Where shadows dance and dreams take flight,I find a truth so pure, so clear,A whisper in my soul I hear. To be the person I am meant to be,Unbound by chains, forever free,No masks to wear, no roles to play,Just me, in every single way. The world…

  • Waking dreams

    πŸ‘€: 9 In the gentle glow of morning light,I wake to find you by my side,A tranquil peace, a pure delight,In your presence, dreams abide. Your breath a whisper, soft and calm,A melody that fills the air,Wrapped in the warmth of your sweet balm,I find a world beyond compare. The sun may rise with golden…

  • Waterfall

    πŸ‘€: 10 In nature’s arms, we two did stray,Beneath the sun’s warm golden ray,Hand in hand, our spirits free,Embarking on a hike to the sea. Through forest paths, we made our way,Where verdant trees in silence sway,Their whispers soft, a gentle choir,Guiding us higher, our souls aspire. With each step, the world unfurled,As if the…

  • Wedding Day

    πŸ‘€: 18 In a chapel bathed in golden light,Two hearts entwined, a sacred rite,With whispered vows and tender grace,Before their God, they find their place. A journey starts, a path unknown,But hand in hand, they’re not alone,For in the echoes of their prayer,God’s love and wisdom fill the air. The candles flicker, blessings shine,Two souls…

  • West Coast

    πŸ‘€: 3 Along the rugged West Coast we roam,Hand in hand, together we’re home.From windswept cliffs to sandy shores,Our love like the ocean, endlessly pours. In California’s golden sun,Our hearts beat as one, on the run.Through redwood forests we explore,Nature’s beauty we both adore. In Oregon, with its misty charm,We find solace, safe from harm.Whispers…

  • Working hard and never seem to get ahead

    πŸ‘€: 27 In the realm of toil, where sweat begetsA currency of struggle, where dreams are set,We labor on, day by day, in relentless stride,But oftentimes, our fortunes seem to hide. With hands calloused and backs bent low,We chase elusive dreams, to and FRO,Yet amidst the grind, a cruel lament,For in our fervor, debt becomes…

  • You are my calm

    πŸ‘€: 3 In the gentle light of morning’s grace,I find the warmth of your embrace.Your tender heart, a beacon bright,Guides me through the darkest night. Soft whispers in the quiet air,Speak of love beyond compare.In your arms, I feel at peace,A sanctuary where worries cease. Your eyes, a soothing, endless sea,Reflect the love you give…

  • You by my side

    πŸ‘€: 6 In a car on a day so bright,With my cutie by my side, just feels right.The sun’s rays dance on the hood,Turning moments into gold, as they should. Wind whispers tales as we drive,Nature’s symphony, alive.Trees lean in with a gentle sway,Guiding us along our way. Her laughter, a melody so sweet,Merges with…

  • Your Embrace

    πŸ‘€: 2 In the gentle glow of morning’s light,You are the dream that feels just right.Every day with you is a song,In your embrace, I belong. Your laughter dances in the air,A melody beyond compare.Each moment shared, a treasure true,I’m endlessly grateful for you. In your eyes, I find my peace,A love that never seems…

  • Your Love

    πŸ‘€: 10 In the vast and endless universe, a beacon of light,My Lord and Savior, you shine so bright.With grace and mercy, you guide my way,In your presence, my fears allay. Your love, like an ocean, deep and wide,In its embrace, I find solace inside.Through trials and tribulations, you stand by my side,In your arms,…

  • Your perfection

    πŸ‘€: 9 I In the tapestry of existence, divine hands weave, Crafting each soul with purpose, with infinite belief. No flaws in design, no errors to forsake, For in every creation, perfection awake. In you, dear one, a masterpiece unfolds, A symphony of uniqueness, a story untold. With tender care, God’s brushstrokes divine, Paint the…

  • Your Taste

    πŸ‘€: 4 In the cradle of morning’s tender light, Lies a treasure of sweetness, a pure delight. Upon lips like petals, dew-kissed and fair, Rests the flavor of dreams, beyond compare. In each gentle coo, a symphony of grace, A melody of innocence, in love’s embrace. Like honeyed whispers from a celestial stream, Your baby’s…